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Chapter 1. What's New in Moodle 2
Looks cleaner moves faster
A new way of managing your content
More places to have your say
Existing activities updated and improved
Control your students' progress
Improved admin
How do we get Moodle 2.0?
Chapter 2. Finding our way around (Navigation and Blocks)
What does Moodle 2.0 look like?
What do users who are logged in see?
The Settings block
Navigating around a course
Named topic sections
What does a student see?
Configuring the navigation block
The Navigation bar (breadcrumb trail)
The course administration block
Managing blocks
Making a block sticky throughout our Moodle
Adding a block to a course category page
Adding a block to courses in one category
Teachers managing blocks in courses
Hiding blocks
Moving blocks
Chapter 3. Editing Text and Managing Files
Embedding multimedia in the HTML editor
Managing files
Uploading through the HTML editor
Where's our file on the front page?
Reusing a file in another course
Uploading a file from the Resource menu
Where's our file in the course?
What about "Course files"?
What about FTP?
Importing an image from Flickr
Private files—personal storage space
Sending work out of Moodle with the Portfolio API
Chapter 4. What's new in Add a Resource
Adding a file
Resource administration
Adding a folder
Uploading a folder to Moodle
Adding an IMS content package
Inserting a label
So what's new? Other options for our label
Chapter 5. What's new in Add an Activity
Making a Moodle 2.0 quiz
Where do we go from here?
Creating questions for our quiz
What does the student see?
Making sure our students don't submit before they've answered all the questions
The teacher's perspective
Making more quizzes
Sharing questions between courses
Quiz reports
Recap on the Quiz
Making a Moodle 2.0 Wiki
Adding new pages
What's new in the tabs
Recap on the wiki
What's new in the Workshop
The set-up phase
The submission phase
The assessment phase
The grading evaluation phase
A glance in the gradebook
Recap on the workshop
Downloading assignments
A new forum type
Neater display of SCORM packages
Chapter 6. Managing the Learning Path
What admin needs to do
What the course teacher needs to do
Setting up the tasks
Setting up the introductory webpage
Setting up the forum
Setting up the quiz
Setting a pass or fail grade condition
Setting up the Lesson
How can students track their progress?
What does a student see?
Differentiating with conditional activities
Differentiating with a forum post
Marking a course as "Complete"
Course Completion in Practice: Example 1
Course Completion in Practice: Example 2
Chapter 7. Having your say
Where's my blog?
The Blog Menu block
The Recent Blog Entries block
Course specific blogs
The blog tags block
Blog settings
Admin issues
Commenting on blogs
Recap—the blog in Moodle 2.0
Using the Comments block
Why comment on the course page?
Students comment on the usefulness of a resource
Teachers comment in private (1)
Teachers comment in private (2)
Students hold a dialogue during a workshop or Wiki
Recap the Comments block in Moodle 2.0
Moodle messaging
How do messages display?
Giving feedback
Giving feedback
Chapter 8. Admin Issues
The Settings block
What's new in Users
What's new in Courses
What's new in Grades
What's new in Location
What's new in Plugins
What's new in security
What's new in appearance
What's new in Front page
What's new in server
What's new in networking
What's new in reports
Changes in Course administration
更新时间:2021-04-13 17:08:11