- Bash Quick Start Guide
- Tom Ryder
- 194字
- 2021-07-23 16:58:51
About the reviewers
Fabio Alessandro Locati – commonly known as Fale – is the director at Otelia, a public speaker, author, and open source contributor. His primary areas of expertise are Linux, automation, security, and cloud technologies. Fale has more than 14 years' experience working in IT, with many of them spent consulting for companies, including dozens of Fortune 500 companies. Fale has written Learning Ansible 2, OpenStack Cloud Security, and has been part of the review process for multiple books.
Janos Gyerik is a passionate software developer. He enjoys building software whatever the programming language, both at work and in his spare time. He helps fellow programmers by answering questions on Stack Overflow, or by giving feedback on their code on Code Review Stack Exchange. Janos makes Android apps such as Programming and Bash Quiz, and websites such as Bash One-Liners, and is always up to some geeky projects.
Cory Sadowski is an IT professional living in the United States, specializing in Perl and shell programming, GNU/Linux, and, despite best efforts, Windows administration. He loves most things GNU/Linux, video games, and other such sophisticated topics.