
There are a few people I want to thank for the continued and ongoing support they have given me during the writing of this book. Firstly, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife and daughters for their continued support while I spent many evenings and weekends writing—I couldn't do it without their support.

This book wouldn't have happened if I hadn't had support from some of the vendors. Firstly, I would like to thank my friend and colleague Arash Ghazanfari at Tintri for his support and knowledge of the storage market, and secondly, a thank you to Mark Maclean at Dell for lending me the server hardware used in the Lab examples.

I would also like to say, a big thank you to my reviewer, Barry Coombs, who I have collaborated with on a number of projects over the years. The other person I would like to than is friend and ex-colleague Steve Horne for his expertise and knowledge in defining how to approach any desktop or VDI transformation project.

Finally, a thank you to the Packt Publishing team for again giving me the opportunity to write this book and for their support, which has yet again been outstanding.